BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - #orukathasolatumasir

Short Inspirational Stories
                Once there were two boys in the village aged 8 and 12 years old. During the vacation, they went fishing. Unfortunately, a 12-year-old boy drowned in the pool. An 8-year-old boy panicked and shouted for help. There was no one around near the place. Fortunately, an 8-year-old boy found some rope and rescued the 12-year-old boy from the danger. 

                 They went back to the village and narrated the entire incident to the parents. They didn't believe because they thought it is not possible for thin fragile 8 years old to pull the 12-year-old boy. Later, the incident was conveyed to wisest grandfather. He believed the incident and told, "Yes, 8-year-old boy helped him from the drowning and the incident was true". Their parents are asking " How you are saying" "He is thin" "He doesn't have strength' "He doesn't know swimming". Grandfather replied, "you people are thinking whether 8-year-old boy can do it or not". Am actually thinking "how he could have done it". The reason, he could do it because no one around him to tell him that "you cannot do it" There is no one to bring him down to lose the confidence to help him.

             In the contemporary world of hatred and skeptic. Only our inner strength and confidence about us can take to the height what we thought to be destined.

Believe yourself. There is no need to prove it.
