Sakthivel, the man behind Pets & Bullets Kennel.
He had a craze on pets since childhood. He started developing the habits of gathering information about pet animals and fishes. After his graduation, his interest on pet animals and bullets developed manifold. His interest turns into passion when he met the breeder in his work place. Gradually, he started learn about the inner world of Pets. During his free hours, he accompanied with the breeder to deliver dogs and found the nitty gritty of pet business. At one point of time, the situation in his life demands to resign the job. In 2013, he started his career in Pets business as a delivery boy in 2013. In his initial days, he didn't make much money. But he continued to work as a delivery person in spite of all financial difficulties and family pressure. He learned many things and started knowing from the root to the tree of Pet business. He used to deliver throughout Tamil Nadu. Sometimes, the place of delivery can be from outside station. There was one journey, he remembered for his whole life. He got an opportunity to travel from Tripur to Punjab carrying two Pitbull puppies. It hardly took 6 days for him to reach Punjab but he delivered the puppy safely. His salary on the trip was 500rs. To make 500rs, he traveled around 2877km for 144 hours. He felt as a great success, took the money as his effort not just as a price of work. The event turn as stepping stones in his career with gainful of knowledge and information. It was an awesome and interesting journey in his life. He had an inner pleasure while telling this story to us.
With the growing trust and confidence of the buyer, his name and fame started spreading with a good name around the circle of the pet business. What made unique from the other seller, he never rely on low quality pups, cross breeds and inbreeding puppies. He do free delivery to all clients all over Tamil Nadu, Providing instructions to the buyer about the pets and keep following them for delivered puppies health, vaccination status and mating. One example, he is still in touch with the client who bought puppies from him 6 years back. His hardwork and passion towards his business made him popular in pet circle and achieve financial freedom. His recent Pet shop crossed 2 lakhs of business within 3 months. His transformation is remarkable in Pet business from Delivery boy to Entrepreneur.

He had a craze on pets since childhood. He started developing the habits of gathering information about pet animals and fishes. After his graduation, his interest on pet animals and bullets developed manifold. His interest turns into passion when he met the breeder in his work place. Gradually, he started learn about the inner world of Pets. During his free hours, he accompanied with the breeder to deliver dogs and found the nitty gritty of pet business. At one point of time, the situation in his life demands to resign the job. In 2013, he started his career in Pets business as a delivery boy in 2013. In his initial days, he didn't make much money. But he continued to work as a delivery person in spite of all financial difficulties and family pressure. He learned many things and started knowing from the root to the tree of Pet business. He used to deliver throughout Tamil Nadu. Sometimes, the place of delivery can be from outside station. There was one journey, he remembered for his whole life. He got an opportunity to travel from Tripur to Punjab carrying two Pitbull puppies. It hardly took 6 days for him to reach Punjab but he delivered the puppy safely. His salary on the trip was 500rs. To make 500rs, he traveled around 2877km for 144 hours. He felt as a great success, took the money as his effort not just as a price of work. The event turn as stepping stones in his career with gainful of knowledge and information. It was an awesome and interesting journey in his life. He had an inner pleasure while telling this story to us.
Later he wants to pursue the pet business on his own. His initial business was a utter failure but he never lose out. What happened was the buyer return a pug puppy because of its health issues. Pug puppy was badly affected with bacterial disease with multiple wounds on body. So the buyer returned the pug puppy and asked for refund of money. He refunded the full amount of money and took the pug puppy to his house. After a long struggle, he cured his little puppy from the danger. He started raising the pug puppy on his personal care with lots of love and affection. The name of his pug puppy is TOM.
Now the age of TOM is 5 years old.
With the growing trust and confidence of the buyer, his name and fame started spreading with a good name around the circle of the pet business. What made unique from the other seller, he never rely on low quality pups, cross breeds and inbreeding puppies. He do free delivery to all clients all over Tamil Nadu, Providing instructions to the buyer about the pets and keep following them for delivered puppies health, vaccination status and mating. One example, he is still in touch with the client who bought puppies from him 6 years back. His hardwork and passion towards his business made him popular in pet circle and achieve financial freedom. His recent Pet shop crossed 2 lakhs of business within 3 months. His transformation is remarkable in Pet business from Delivery boy to Entrepreneur.

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