The photodiode is a semiconductor that helps to convert light when photons absorbed in the iPhone device thereby helps generates a current. An electric current pass through tiny microchip within the device which illuminates the Green, Red and Shine a light through Light Emitter Display (LED). Those light fall onto our wrist and with the help of Photodiodes measuring the level of oxygen with the amount of light reflected back from our body.
It also provides the facility to generate an ECG which checks our heart's rhythm and beating in a normal pattern. Electrodes and back crystal built in the iPhone device working with ECG app to generate an Electrocardiogram which represents electric pulses that make our heartbeat.
Sinus Rhythm: A heartbeat in a uniform pattern between the range of 50 and 100 Beats Per Minute (BPM) appeared to be normal.
Other features like setting our sleep goal through sleep app and track our fitness metrics very precisely. Retina display allows us to see our metrics even in the bright Sun without raising our wrist to look.
The super facility in Apple Watch Series 6 is cellular where we stay connected even we kept our phone at home. For adventurous solo, Apple watch is enough to stay connected with the world to make calls, text, storing our tickets, boarding passes for flights, getting help from Siri, locating the places through maps.
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